How do I cite articles from EBSCO APA style?
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2021

You're in luck!  EBSCO has a great citation tool you can use to cite your articles.

Here's how:

  1. Perform a search in any EBSCO database.
  2. Click on the title of any article or ebook from your list that you want to cite.
  3. Click on the Cite icon on the right side of the item page:
  4. Citation Format will appear above the article or ebook cited in multiple formats.
    1. APA style is the second listed.
  5. Copy the citation and paste into your references page.

Keep in mind sometimes article or ebook information used to generate the citation is not formatted correctly in the database. You may wish to consult the style guide for the format you are using (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) to make sure it is accurate. The research desk on the 1st floor has a copy of these guides to view.

Change it tips:

  1. Format it double spaced.

Articles should look like:

Hyllegard, K. H., Ogle, J., Yan, R., & Reitz, A. R. (2011). An Exploratory Study

of College Students' Fanning Behavior on Facebook. College Student

Journal, 45(3), 601-616.

ebooks should look like:

Gauld, M. (2011). College Success Guaranteed : 5 Rules to Make It Happen.

Rowman & Littlefield Education.