What are the rules for reserving a group study room in Lied?
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix Last Updated: Oct 01, 2021
Lied Library group study rooms are available to UNLV students, faculty, and staff, for academic use only.
Reserve a 1st floor study room
Group study rooms are designed exclusively for groups of three or more users. Individuals or pairs studying in these spaces must immediately surrender the room in favor of groups wanting the space.
Room Use Guidelines
View the complete group meeting space policy.
- Room use is limited to UNLV students (and faculty and staff CURRENTLY taking a course).
- Room reservations are intended for groups of 3 or more.
- Select study rooms from the buttons above. Then log into the online system with an active ACE account when prompted.
- Library staff cannot make or modify a reservation or provide reservation details.
- Rooms are used on a first-come, first-served bases, but priority is given to groups with reservations.
- Rooms are reserved beginning on the quarter hour (:00, :15, :30, :45).
- Reservations are made for periods ranging from 1 to 3 hours.
- Rooms are reserved up to two weeks in advance but users may have only one active reservation in the system at a time.
- Groups have a 15-minute grace period before the space becomes available for other users.
*Group study rooms that are not reservable are open and available to groups of three or more on a first-come, first-served basis. Rooms cannot be held by individuals or pairs for later group arrival.
Study room use for academic purposes only
- No scheduled meetings or events may be held in the group study rooms.
- Use of these rooms for commercial purposes is prohibited.
- All other meeting spaces and classrooms in Lied Library are restricted for library staff and internal operational use only.
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix
Last Updated: Oct 01, 2021
Lied Library group study rooms are available to UNLV students, faculty, and staff, for academic use only.
Reserve a 1st floor study room
Group study rooms are designed exclusively for groups of three or more users. Individuals or pairs studying in these spaces must immediately surrender the room in favor of groups wanting the space.
Room Use Guidelines
View the complete group meeting space policy.
- Room use is limited to UNLV students (and faculty and staff CURRENTLY taking a course).
- Room reservations are intended for groups of 3 or more.
- Select study rooms from the buttons above. Then log into the online system with an active ACE account when prompted.
- Library staff cannot make or modify a reservation or provide reservation details.
- Rooms are used on a first-come, first-served bases, but priority is given to groups with reservations.
- Rooms are reserved beginning on the quarter hour (:00, :15, :30, :45).
- Reservations are made for periods ranging from 1 to 3 hours.
- Rooms are reserved up to two weeks in advance but users may have only one active reservation in the system at a time.
- Groups have a 15-minute grace period before the space becomes available for other users.
*Group study rooms that are not reservable are open and available to groups of three or more on a first-come, first-served basis. Rooms cannot be held by individuals or pairs for later group arrival.
Study room use for academic purposes only
- No scheduled meetings or events may be held in the group study rooms.
- Use of these rooms for commercial purposes is prohibited.
- All other meeting spaces and classrooms in Lied Library are restricted for library staff and internal operational use only.
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