Where are the fiction books?
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix Last Updated: Aug 12, 2021
The Leisure Reading Collection on the 2nd floor of Lied Library is full of recent fiction (and non-fiction) bestsellers. It is a "browsing" collection so you can easily search by scanning the shelves and looking for titles.
The P section on the 4th and 5th floor is all about literature and languages. The PS section (5th floor) is American literature. It's a little hard to browse because it is arranged by time period and then author, plus all the criticism is mixed in with the actual novels, plays, and poetry.
So, we suggest using the Library QuickSearch to search by author or title.
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix
Last Updated: Aug 12, 2021
The Leisure Reading Collection on the 2nd floor of Lied Library is full of recent fiction (and non-fiction) bestsellers. It is a "browsing" collection so you can easily search by scanning the shelves and looking for titles.
The P section on the 4th and 5th floor is all about literature and languages. The PS section (5th floor) is American literature. It's a little hard to browse because it is arranged by time period and then author, plus all the criticism is mixed in with the actual novels, plays, and poetry.
So, we suggest using the Library QuickSearch to search by author or title.
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