My instructor said my textbook might be on reserve in the library, how do I check?
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix Last Updated: Jan 26, 2015
Course reserves are materials that your instructor and/or the Libraries have put together to help support you. This can include additional reading and listening materials and, for some courses, a copy of the textbook.
For some print items such as textbooks, the checkout period is often restricted (from 2 hours to 7 days depending on the item) and fines are larger. This is to allow many students access to limited copies of materials.
Check availability (search for your course by instructor, course number, etc.)
Note, electronic reserves will be available directly in your course on WebCampus.
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix
Last Updated: Jan 26, 2015
Course reserves are materials that your instructor and/or the Libraries have put together to help support you. This can include additional reading and listening materials and, for some courses, a copy of the textbook.
For some print items such as textbooks, the checkout period is often restricted (from 2 hours to 7 days depending on the item) and fines are larger. This is to allow many students access to limited copies of materials.
Check availability (search for your course by instructor, course number, etc.)
Note, electronic reserves will be available directly in your course on WebCampus.
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