How do I choose a topic that works for my paper (or presentation)?
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix Last Updated: Jul 26, 2021
Trying to decide what to write about can be difficult and even frustrating. But picking and adjusting your topic is an integral part of the research process. Sometimes instructors will assign a specific topic, others will ask you to select a topic that interests you. It is up to you to determine the right focus and the right approach to take.
When you are choosing your topic, you will need to:
Brainstorm for ideas
Review the syllabus and assignment, go over the information on topic selection outlined in your assignment. Ask your professor or TA for suggestions.
Find and read general background information
Refer to lecture notes and required texts to refresh your knowledge of the course and assignment. Scan current magazine, journal or newspaper articles on related subjects or possible topics.
Choose a manageable and interesting topic
There is more motivation to do a research assignment if there is genuine interest in the topic.
Be flexible
your topic may narrow or broaden as you research and read more. That’s ok, it all part of the process.
Define a focused research question
This keeps your research and paper focused on the specific topic.
Research and refine
As you learn more about through research, you will be able to refine your topic.
Trying to decide what to write about can be difficult and even frustrating. But picking and adjusting your topic is an integral part of the research process. Sometimes instructors will assign a specific topic, others will ask you to select a topic that interests you. It is up to you to determine the right focus and the right approach to take.
When you are choosing your topic, you will need to:
Brainstorm for ideas
Review the syllabus and assignment, go over the information on topic selection outlined in your assignment. Ask your professor or TA for suggestions.
Find and read general background information
Refer to lecture notes and required texts to refresh your knowledge of the course and assignment. Scan current magazine, journal or newspaper articles on related subjects or possible topics.
Choose a manageable and interesting topic
There is more motivation to do a research assignment if there is genuine interest in the topic.
Be flexible
your topic may narrow or broaden as you research and read more. That’s ok, it all part of the process.
Define a focused research question
This keeps your research and paper focused on the specific topic.
Research and refine
As you learn more about through research, you will be able to refine your topic.
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