I would like to broadcast (or publish) one of the images from Special Collections. Will you give me permission to do so?
Answered By: Su Kim Chung Last Updated: Jul 21, 2015
The copyright holder has the exclusive right to do or authorize the reproduction, distribution, performance, or broadcast of his or her work. Please see Title 17 of the United States Code. Special Collections only grants permission to broadcast or publish items when UNLV clearly holds the copyright to that item. Please note that we often do not own the copyright to the historical materials in our collections. We cannot grant permission when we do not own the copyright.
Please see Special Collections policies on Reproductions and Use for further information.
Answered By: Su Kim Chung
Last Updated: Jul 21, 2015
The copyright holder has the exclusive right to do or authorize the reproduction, distribution, performance, or broadcast of his or her work. Please see Title 17 of the United States Code. Special Collections only grants permission to broadcast or publish items when UNLV clearly holds the copyright to that item. Please note that we often do not own the copyright to the historical materials in our collections. We cannot grant permission when we do not own the copyright.
Please see Special Collections policies on Reproductions and Use for further information.
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