How do I create links to journal articles in WebCampus?
Answered By: Stormye Hendrix Last Updated: Aug 03, 2021
If you want to add library resources outside of the standard subject guide, it is important to create links that will allow access from off-campus and prompt students to enter their ACE login information. Otherwise, they won't be able to access the materials.
Just copying and pasting links from subscription collections out of the URL bar in your browser often yields broken links, and each source has a slightly different method for creating persistent, authenticating links. Additionally, the Libraries use a proxy tool to support off site access and login.
But don't worry, our Webcampus Toolkit can help you master this process and includes a "proxy link generator" to streamline the work!
This toolkit provides information on creating persistent links to a variety of library resources and includes specific directions on some of the more popular databases/publishers.
If you want to add library resources outside of the standard subject guide, it is important to create links that will allow access from off-campus and prompt students to enter their ACE login information. Otherwise, they won't be able to access the materials.
Just copying and pasting links from subscription collections out of the URL bar in your browser often yields broken links, and each source has a slightly different method for creating persistent, authenticating links. Additionally, the Libraries use a proxy tool to support off site access and login.
But don't worry, our Webcampus Toolkit can help you master this process and includes a "proxy link generator" to streamline the work!
This toolkit provides information on creating persistent links to a variety of library resources and includes specific directions on some of the more popular databases/publishers.
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